Why Prayer?
We at the Glendale Seventh-day Adventist Church believe in the power of prayer!
Prayer Requests
Send your prayer requests and praises – along with your permission to post – to Patty at the church office - 623-934-3295 - Email click (here).
Prayer Chain
To have an urgent prayer request emailed out through the Prayer Chain, contact Jeanine Linder - Email click (here).
Prayer Meeting
Wednesday at 7 pm - Currently conducted by Ron Baerg Contact him for zoom link information - 602-291-8900 - Email click (here).
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." – James 5:16
Get Involved
Share Jesus as a leader, mentor, or helper (fill out our volunteer form here).
Need More Info?
If you have any questions, please contact Patty Reiner at the Church Office at - 623-934-3295 - Email click (here).
Please Pray For...
The Leadership & Members of the churches in our district: Glendale, Phoenix Central & Maricopa Village on the reservation.
AZ Conference Leadership
Glenview Adventist Academy - Staff, Students, & Families
Thunderbird Adventist Academy - Staff, Students, & Families
African Ubumwe Group Families
Ethiopian Group Families
Myanmar Burmese Group Families
Church Ministries
Our Country’s Leaders & Military Personnel
Those affected by COVID-19 - Sickness, deaths, loss of jobs
Volunteer With Us
Other Ministries
The Glendale Church offers many active, exciting ministries and programs for
people of all ages and life stages!