Prayer Requests

Home Prayer Requests

Why Prayer?

We at the Glendale Seventh-day Adventist Church believe in the power of prayer!

Prayer Requests

You can share your prayer request by clicking here. If you'd rather not use our online form, you can email your prayer requests and praises – along with your permission to post – to Linda or Patty at

Prayer Chain

To have an urgent prayer request emailed out through the Prayer Chain, contact Jeanine Linder

Prayer Meeting

Everyone is welcome to pray and fellowship together at the weekly Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays, at 6:30 PM, in the Sanctuary. Join us as we lift our petitions to God with thanksgiving and praise. To contact the Prayer Ministry Director Glen Williams, call or text 480-698-0927.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
James 5:16

Get Involved

If you are interested in being involved in the ministry of prayer, contact Glenn Willams via email by clicking here or calling 480.698.0927.

Interested in sharing Jesus as a leader, mentor, or helper? Click here to volunteer.

Need More Info?

If you have any questions, please contact Patty Reiner at the Church Office (link) 623-934-3295 -

Please Pray For

You can use the form below to send in a prayer request or praise. If you provide permission to post it publically we will post it at the end of this page for a month once reviewed and approved by our staff.

Please fill the form below.

Glendale/Central/Maricopa Village Churches

Glenview Adventist Academy

Thunderbird Adventist Academy

Maricopa Village School

AZ Conference Leadership

Pastor Gary & Marilynn – Redwood Camp Meeting

Camp Yavapines Staff & Campers

Pastors, Bible Workers, & Church Ministries

African Ubumwe Families

Ethiopian Families

Myanmar-Burmese Group

Youth Rush

People caught up in the wars between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Gaza

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Req by M Abdirahman: Muriel Barbee Jr, Tori, Celes, Sarion Jackson & Family, Daniel Meza, Ernie, Tony & Valerie & AJ

Req by L Abeyta: Maribel Donoso & Family, Joyce Jones, Mary B, Tawyna T, & Ron C

Azriel Arce

Donna Baerg

Benny Baker

Req by G Baker: His dog CowCow

Req by M Barry: Sissy K

George Bartos

Allan Beardsley

Mary Lou Bone

Req by D & A Bowers: Jonathan

Doug & Alclare Bowers

Req by M Boyce: John & Elaine Boyce, Geri Jones

Bob & Jean Brown

Jim & Linda Burgoine

Almiro Campos

Eric Carder Sr

Req by C Carreon: Trinity

Req by M Carrero: Jill & Michelle

Req by A Chester: Gionni Kirkwood

John Comitz

Req by A Cropper: Salwa Al-Mohammedi & Family

Req by N Cox: Robin & Tony DeRosa, Tabian, & Amy Warrior

Debbie Darst

Req by D Darst: Tenner, Miller, Jones, Moore,

P Jones, S Katz, V Davis, Michael, Carol, Laura  Adams, Kathy & Courtney, D Ebey & T Fahey

Del Davis

Debra Debarr

Req by D Debarr: Carol & Jim

Angel Escobar

Janet Flemmer

Betty, Ashley, Baby Izryal Alyxzander, Gabby Flores, & Mary Ellen Escabito

Foster Fletcher

Linda Galloway

Gloria Garrett

Kyle Giambra

Bettie Gibson

Jennifer Gilliland

Parents of Estrella Gonzalez

Steve & Anna Gray- Their move to OR

Req by B Horoho: Granddaughter & Family

James Horoho

Req by A Howard: Earl

Req by C Jewett: James

Larry & Noemi Koehler

Jeanine Linder

Jeff, Cholette, & Alex Lockwood

Req by R Luna: Cesar Luna

Req by A Mackey: Aunt Olga

Denise Martin

Req by D Martin: Barbara North

Elba Martin

Martin Mesquite, Isaac, Aaron, Ignacio & Junior Valenzuela

Req by O Molina: Tatiana Young

Alaska Moore

Levi Moses

Kathy Muldner

Req by Pastor Myles: Steve Ruiz’ Mom Donna Skelton, Richard Johnson, Tricia Stathem, Janice Johnson, Allen King

Elsy Neibles

Ruby Ohlrich

Eloise O”Neil

Req by Tina Othon – Daughter Angel, Serenity & Lyla

Michele Pallasino

Req by M Paluszewski: Uncle Stan

Req by C Penniman: Mom Remy

Milton Perez

Req by A Peter: Milalni Hansen, Michaela, & Tom

Nulma Pitre

Req by N Pitre: Edna Dickenson

Anibal Pittau

Req by M Phillips: Chris & Carolyn

Randy Raynes

Req by P Reiner: Toni, Camilyn Clayville, Anna & Peter, & Andrea

Cheri Risley

Eddie Risley

Faye & Antjuan Sampson

Req by L Schell: Valerie, John & Joaann

Req by C Schmidt: David Schmidt, & Josi Fossmeyer

Alan Scott

Pat Stump & Family

Surovec Family

Req by M Surovec – Nilda, Marilyn, Ashurina & Mark

Beverly Turner (Pastor Eddie’s Mother)

Eddie Turner

John and Daughter Tina Turner

Pastor Gary’s Aunt Bev

Req by M Venden: Mom Donna

Margie & Patrick Villani

Kay Westerland-Shepp

Reece Whatton

Req by G Williams: Myrna, Diamond, & Jaden

LeRoy Wombold

Req by J Woolley: Christopher Garman, Crystal Napier, & Jessica Jackson

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Please pray that all weapons formed against me fall. Please pray that God turns these attacks around on my enemies. In Jesus name.

Sharon Ringstaff

Please pray for my dad, Lyndon Ringstaff, who  has been undergoing cancer treatment. His most recent PET scan shows that chemo is helping. He has an aggressive form of cancer. He really appreciates the prayers and would love to continue receiving prayers as his treatment continues.

Whitney Wiley

Please pray for my parents, my sister, and myself.

Thank you.

Steven Drago

Hello, My far-away family, and to Gary and His wife who I will visit at Redwood He can send an email informing me what the series be for the 7 AM meeting now for the request I need a $ miracle, or I fast during my stay there. and from now on I will lift every request listed below

Deb H

Please pray for my friends sister she is not well and is being tested but the Drs haven’t found anything yet. She has 4 small kids and they need her to be well.

Please pray for my sister who is traveling to visit us for a safe trip and a blessed time together. Please pray for her spiritual life and a relationship with Christ to improve

Please pray for my kids to continue to grow and develop well. My son is starting school this fall for the first time. Please pray that he will have a great experience and love his school. He is also almost 4 and not yet eating regular food except for afew. He mostly eats mashed. Pray that he will increase his solid food intake.

Please pray for my husband and I to continue to be blessed in our marriage and for us to always grow together as well as being the best we can for our kids. Please pray that God will give us long life, health and strength to be there for our little ones for a long time.

My husband is starting a new job. Please pray that he will be blessed in this role. Pray that it will be more flexible with time than his previous role was so he can have a better work life balance with us, his family.

Please pray for my friend who is single and feels lonely and depressed sometimes. Please ask God to help her meet the right spouse who loves the Lord and will love her genuinely and sincerely.

Please pray for me. My job is ending this month and I have been applying and not getting anything after so many applications. I need a miracle.

Please pray for my mom, she will have surgery soon. Also pray for her overall health she has many health issues. Pray for healing and long life please.

Please pray for my parents in law for health and healing and for long life. Please pray that as they will be moving in with us while my mom is also here, that it will work out and everyone will get along and be happy.

charles wright

Protection against seen and unseen danger

Jesse Jay

Hello, I’m going through one of the hardest situations I’ve had to experience in a long time. I live with a loved one who has alcohol dependency and is in denial about it. I have been going to therapy and my loved one has started therapy. My loved one’s therapist reached out to me to talk about my experiences with my loved one’s addiction to get a full picture of the situation. This created a situation where the therapist seemed to have mentioned things to my loved one that I had said to the therapist in confidence. It sounds like the therapist was trying to help by suggesting recovery programs and or rehab. I'm traveling now but I received a lot of text messages yesterday where I was insulted and on the receiving end of a lot of hurt remarks. I have to fly back home today and I don't know what to expect. My loved one is accusing me of lying to the therapist and a lot of other things that aren’t true. It’s hard for me because I care about this person and I don’t have another place to go at the moment. We also have an upcoming trip in a few days that was supposed to enjoyable but now, I’m concerned about it because of the tension that started yesterday. I don’t know what I can do. I ask for prayer so God can help me and my loved one with navigating this and that the bonds of alcohol addiction are broken soon. Thank you.

Elmer Herman

A reliable witness always tells the truth, but an unreliable one tells nothing but lies (Proverbs 14:5).
May all the candidates for the coming elections speak only truth and be worthy and upholding of their promises? Nothing but the inbreaking of God’s transformative spirit into his heart. Let us pray that this happens soon.